Test of The Emergency Broadcast System
Test of The Emergency Broadcast System

Test of The Emergency Broadcast System

Having financial freedom is a goal anyone can get behind, so creating financial resolutions for the new year is smart. If you can stick with them. But can a vow made in January really change your habits by December? Psychology says the answer depends on whether you have a fixed or growth mindset, terms coined by Stanford psychologist Caroline Dweck in her research on human behavior. Let’s break this down. Having a fixed mindset means that a person believes their personality and abilities are fixed traits that can’t change over time. Someone with a growth mindset believes those traits can change and sees failure as an opportunity to learn and improve. Our level of self-efficacy, or belief in our own ability to achieve a goal, also plays a role. Research has found that people with a growth mindset in regard to their own self-control and a high level of self-efficacy are more successful in sticking with their New Year’s resolutions and permanently changing their behavior.

What’s Kasasa?

Kasasa® is an award-winning financial technology and marketing services company dedicated to helping both community financial institutions and consumers experience what it means to "Be Proud of Your Money." We're known for providing reward checking accounts consumers love, the first-ever loan with Take-Backs, relationship-powered referral programs, and ongoing expert consulting services to community financial institutions.

By working exclusively with community banks and credit unions, Kasasa is helping to strengthen local economies across the nation, building a virtuous cycle of keeping consumers' dollars where they can do the most good. Our mission is to power a network of financial institutions in all 50 states offering products and services that are clearly beneficial for the consumer and the institutions offering them.